It doesn’t matter if it rained yesterday or if it’s raining right now, as of May 20, 2015, outdoor watering is limited to twice a week for all Vallecitos Water District customers. We are currently in a Drought Level 2 and must abide by the corresponding restrictions. (see below)
Mandatory Level 2 Drought Water Conservation Requirements:
- Residential and commercial landscape irrigation will be limited to no more than two unassigned days per week and no more than once a week from November through May. (Excludes commercial growers and nurseries).
- Irrigation using sprinklers will be limited to no more than 8 minutes per watering station per day. (Systems using water-efficient devices are excluded).
- Stop washing down pavements, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, tennis courts or patios.
- Prevent water waste associated with inefficient landscape irrigation, as well as flows onto non-targeted areas such as nearby properties, hardscapes, or roadways.
- Irrigate only before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m.
- Use a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle or bucket to irrigate landscapes not connected to an automatic system.
- Stop operation of ornamental fountains, unless re-circulated water is used.
- Wash vehicles using a bucket or hand-held hose with positive shut-off nozzle, mobile high pressure/low volume wash system or at a commercial site that re-circulates water onsite.
- Serve and refill water in restaurants only upon request. Offer guests of commercial lodging the option of not laundering towels and linens daily.
- Repair all water leaks within 48 hours of notification by the Vallecitos Water District.
- Outdoor watering is prohibited during and up to 48 hours after a measureable rain event.
- Potable water may not be used to irrigate ornamental turf within public street right of ways,
including adjacent landscape strips.
For more drought restriction information, go to or call (760) 744-0460.
To report water waste, go to
Note: All funds supporting the San Diego County Drought Tolerant Landscaping Rebates have been exhausted and are no longer available.