Crime & Safety Resource

San Marcos Crime Safety Info
Emergencies: Call 9-1-1
TIP: When you call 9-1-1 from a landline it routes to our local emergency services, however, when you call 9-1-1 from a mobile phone it routes to another location which can take up to 5 minutes to get answered before it is properly routed. During an emergency, if possible, call from from both a landline and cell phone to ensure your call is answered asap.

Non emergency (suspicious activity, noise violations, etc.):  (858) 565-5200
Note: This is the central dispatch who will then contact the San Marcos Sheriff who are on patrol.

San Marcos Sheriff’s station: (760) 510-5200 (just wait, do not press anything).
Note: In cases of Emergencies, call 9-1-1-. In cases of non-emergencies, call the non emergency line.  

Report Graffiti: (760) 591-9100

Report Dead Animals: Vector Control (858) 694-2888, [email protected]

Free security check to show vulnerabilities in your home. Call the San Marcos Sheriff’s Station, (760) 510-5200 (just wait, do not press anything).

San Diego County Emergency Site:

Nixel Alerts:

Police/Sheriff Scanner:

San Diego County Sherrif:

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SAFETY TIP: Is Your Street Number Visible enough to First Responders?