One more piece of the Palomar Station-Davia Village-Armorlite-Dr Smart Growth project will be moving forward soon. On Tuesday, (6/23/15), San Marcos City Council is slated to award a construction contract for the Armorlite Drive Improvement Project to Sierra Pacific West Inc. This grant-funded project will reconfigure Armorlite Drive, N. Las Posas Road to Bingham Drive, to accommodate a complete street concept as part of the larger, smart growth / mixed-use district near Palomar College. Improvements include street parking, bike facilities, pedestrian pathways, lighting and landscaping and traffic calming measures. The project encourages use of alternative modes of transportation and, therefore, will effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions via public transit integration and enhanced pedestrian and bike access. (For a drawing, see page 9 of this document)
The 2 million dollar project is half funded by a SANDAG Smart Growth Grant (1 million), 48% funded through developer fees, and 2% by a City of San Marcos In-Kind contribution.
To view more pieces of the puzzle of what’s happening in this part of San Marcos, view the Google map below.
(View Large Map in New Window)
To learn more about the planning & design principles behind these projects, plus more project details, see below for more helpful information.
Smart Growth Principles
Mixed Land Uses
Compact Development
Range of Housing Opportunities
Open Space & Farmland Preservation
Development in Existing Communities
Walkable Neighborhoods
Distinctive, Attractive Communities
Transportation Choices
Predictable Development Decisions
Community & Stakeholder Collaboration
Learn More: SANDAG Smart Growth Design Guidelines
Complete Streets
Complete Streets are streets for everyone. People of all ages and abilities are able to safely and comfortably travel along and across them, whether they are walking, bicycling, taking public transportation, or driving a car or truck. California’s Complete Streets Act of 2008 (AB 1358) defines Complete Streets as “a balanced, multimodal transportation network that meets the needs of all users of streets, roads, and highways [including bicyclists, children, persons with disabilities, motorists, movers of commercial goods, pedestrians, public transportation, and seniors] for safe and convenient travel in a manner that is suitable to the rural, suburban, or urban context.” This landmark legislation cited previously adopted greenhouse gas emissions targets, high percentages of household trips that are one mile or less, and a desire to shift travel to healthier lower cost modes like walking and bicycling.
Learn More: SANDAG Complete Streets
More info about Palomar Station-Davia Village-Armorlite-Dr
Follow the links below to learn about individual components of this project.
Palomar Station Official Website
Armorlite Drive Smart Growth Corridor Enhancements (for drawing, see page 9 of this document)
Palomar bridge delayed – Pedestrian crossing near Sprinter will be longer, higher, more costly