UPDATE 9/4/2015:
BizAir has ended it’s nonstop air service between Carlsbad-Las Vegas AND Carlsbad-Los Angeles. Read more at the SD Union Tribune.
ORIGINAL 6/16/2015:
The County’s McClellan-Palomar Airport picked up a new airline that could make your travels a little easier, especially if you go through LAX on international travel. BizAir Shuttle has started flying jets to on the short hop to LAX. BizAir replaces a United Airline shuttle that pulled out of Palomar a few months ago. For now the BizAir flights out of Palomar go only to LA but plans are in the works to offer flights to Las Vegas as well. BizAir uses jets that hold about 30 passengers. BizAir CLD-LAX Daily Shuttle Service started June 18, 2015.